SSC exams from tomorrow

Arrangements are finished for 10th class examination that starts tomorrow in the district. DEO Mr. R. Narasimharao told media that 65,650 students are attending the exams in 317 centres. He laso added these exams starts at 9.30AM ends at 2PM. 15 flying squads have been put to examine the situations of mass copying. 144 section … Read more

“Seva Kousthubha” award for Pulagurtha Saibaba

Founder of Gayatri Social Organization Mr. P. saibaba got Sevakousthubha award. This prestegious award will be given to the person doing their social works in various organizations. This award is given by Lalitha Kala sudha Cultural Organisation, Hyderabad. Mr. Saibaba is an LIC employee in Rajahmundry. He will receive this award on 29th of this … Read more

All Pushkaram works to be completed by 15th June

Engineering and chief Mr. Pandurangarao directed officials to complete all Pushkaram development works by June 15th. He conducted a review meeting on monday with Higher officials at Engineering dept. of MCR. Later he told spoksmen that 509 outof 536 works have been sanctioned, 156 works were going on at groundlevel in the city. He also … Read more

5KG rice for whitecard holders from April 1st

State government issued a GO to supply 5KG rice for each person in the family with white rashion card. Rice will be supplied through 2562 rashionshops in the district which covers for 14,18,695 families. With this descition of the goverment the rice supply will be increased to 19,900 Metric tonns from current supply of 15,920 … Read more

“Dhrushti” Telefilm shouting began in SKVT College

A telefilm shouting started by Mr. Buchchiyya chowdary in SKVT College on saturday. This film is being directed by Mr. Udaya Bhaskar by Prajna Movie College. Principal Mr. Sanjeeva Rao later told that this film will be dedicated to Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi.