CPI(M) congress from April 14

Updated: April 7, 2015 07:47 IST Special Correspondent The sixth-day, 21{+s}{+t}National Congress of the Communist Party of India-Marxist that is scheduled to start from April 14 in Visakhapatnam will among other things, aim to chalk out State-specific action plans to take on regional parties, apart from countering the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Congress.

At a press conference here on Monday, party secretary for Andhra Pradesh, P. Madhu, said there would be no international delegates at the Congress and that discussions would be initiated from the macro to the micro-level, on problems faced by people in the States of AP and Telangana.

A notable feature about the 21{+s}{+t}Congress would be detailed, issue-wise action plans to be taken up at the Centre and State-levels. The two main agenda items are on how the capitalist regime could be tackled in the context of economic reforms, post the economic slowdown, and what the role of the working classes should be in such a scenario, said Mr. Madhu.

Representatives of four Left parties, other than the Communist Party of India, would also attend the sessions

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